3M Carz (OPC) Private Limited is a Registered Company as per Companies Act 2013 at Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
3M Carz charges on an hourly basis. Our prices are automatically updated based on the time you reserve a car. The longer you hold it… the lower your hourly rate.
You can always request a booking extension. We will respond to your request based on the availability of the vehicle after your current booking expires. Once the booking has been extended, payment must be made within an hour.
You can always reschedule the booking if you do so within 48 hours of the start time. You can change the booking time as long as it stays within the minimum booking time (8 hours). There will be no charges for this. Please contact us if your plans change unexpectedly. We can discuss it.
We understand that plans will change once they are implemented. If you want to cancel your booking after it has begun, we will give you a 50% refund for the first 12 hours and a full refund after that. Bookings can be shortened for a maximum of 48 hours and it should be done atleast 12 hours before the updated booking end time.
We understand city traffic. We don’t charge anything for a one-hour late return. After 1 hour, we charge INR 200-400 per hour, depending on the type of vehicle you reserved.
We record the fuel level before the booking begins, and you will not be charged if the vehicle is returned with the same percentage of the fuel level. If the vehicle is returned with less fuel, you will be charged, and if the vehicle is returned with more fuel, you will be reimbursed.
All our cars are equipped with Fastags and are recharged after every booking to provide you better experience. The Charges for Tolls during your booking will be subtracted from your security deposit.